When Daryl asks why the Reapers are hunting Maggie's group even though they stole their home, she says it's so they don't try to come back for revenge and begins to defend the actions of Pope and her group. Leah doesn't seem to have a problem with her group slaughtering innocent survivors. She is very distraught by the death of Michael Turner, who she described as the "little brother she never had." She has also stated that she sees Pope as a father figure, and Pope himself has stated he trusts Leah more than the others. Leah's main defining trait is the bonds she makes with the people around her, whether be with Daryl or her fellow Reapers. It becomes apparent that she still has some feelings for him and tries to convince to Pope that Daryl would be an asset to the Reapers. When she sees Daryl again, she is initially unhappy with him, though he tries to tell her he never stopped looking for her.

It is later revealed she is a member of the Reapers and sees them as her family. She soon leaves the cabin and Daryl behind. After some time, Leah and Daryl get romantically involved, however she becomes frustrated with Daryl constantly leaving to find his brother. Over the next few months she slowly begins to trust Daryl, eventually revealing the trauma and hardship she went through before the apocalypse, and also the loss of her adoptive son after it began. When she first meets Daryl, she is initially cautious and cold to him. Leah is a stoic, hardened, but deeply traumatized woman.